Looking for Respite or Short Term Stay?
We understand that a short term care can arise unexpectedly for a range of reasons.
Our Respite homes/ Short Term Stay services assist you to live in a comfortable and relaxed environment. A beautiful home away from home for participants to enjoy over a weekend or a few weeks/months. A short term stay facilitates stronger family bonding and stay together.
What’s included?
Good Samaritan Care Services Respite homes have a pleasant and inclusive environment. You can try new indoor or outdoor activities, make friends all in a safe, cared and supported environment.
Is Respite covered under the NDIS?
There are three levels of respite-like supports available for funding as part of plans:
Level 1: 7 to 14 days per year to allow the carer to attend key activities
Level 2: 14 to 28 days per year and includes a strategy to build capabilities for future independence.
Level 3: Equivalent of 28 days per year, when the carer provides support most days and informal support is at risk of not continuing due to the intensity of the support required or severe behavioural issues.
If you are eligible for respite funding, it will include funding for accommodation in a group residence for a short period of time – typically up to 14 days at a time. It will also include support for self-care, food, and activities.
Respite Support Services
Respite supports participants and their carers by giving carers short breaks from their caring responsibilities. It also gives participants time away from their families. For a participant, this might mean: joining a new community group.
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